What's primary domain and domain alias?

The domain through which Google Apps Standard Edition was signed-up called Primary Domain; and added domain at Google Apps is called Domain Alias. We’ll setup your domain as Primary Domain.

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Can I use my own domain as the primary domain?

No, we can’t. See more information at...

Do I have to pay monthly fees on the free version?

 Of course not! What you pay to us is a one time account acquisition fee. No monthly payment...

How to verify domain ownership?

Please refer to this article: https://support.google.com/a/answer/60216

How does it works and what is the procedure now?

- You will order the plan you would like to purchase. - We will send you an email to verify the...

Do you provide discount on bulk order?

Yes, we can provide 10 - 30% discount on the total price for bulk order. Drop me a mail at...