Can I upgrade my G Suite Free account to higher plan later?

In theory, you can't increase/upgrade the number of licenses in G Suite Free account because all Free accounts are separated and a domain can attach to a single account at a time. So if you want to increase/upgrade the number of licenses in your G Suite Free account, there are two ways to do this:

1. You should cancel your current subscription and remove your domain from the other G Suite account. (All data will be wiped out)

2. You can swap the domain of your old account to another of yours.
- Suppose, your domain name is using G Suite, add your another domain (suppose as secondary domain and make it primary.
- Then go to the users and rename all users to new domain such as if the user is [email protected], rename it to [email protected]. Do this to all users and then go back to domains and remove from the account.
- You also need to either remove or rename all the groups.

Now you're good to get a new G Suite Free account with higher licenses limit for your domain.

In case you want to migrate your old account data to the new account. You can migrate your emails from old/other G Suite to G Suite Free by using our Managed G Suite Data migration service.

Please in touch with us at support (at) or submit a ticket at

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